; Allergy Treatment in Amarillo
What Are Allergies?

You might think about a runny nose and itchy eyes when you think about allergies, but this condition can cause many other symptoms. Allergies can be responsible for joint pain, skin conditions such as asthma, and gastrointestinal problems.

These aren’t the only symptoms. Some patients experience mood swings, depression, and brain fog. And of course, there are the classic “hayfever” symptoms of nasal congestion, watery eyes, and headaches.

If you or your child are experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s time to learn more about your allergies. Take our free allergy quiz today and discover what could be causing your reactions.

Testing Options

No allergy treatment can be effective without comprehensive testing. Our testing process is designed to uncover exactly what you’re allergic to, as well as the extent of your reactions.

The two-hour testing period allows us to test 70 common allergens. From environmental factors such as plants, grasses, trees, dust, and dander, to food allergies, we will discover a holistic view of your allergies.

Your allergy testing starts with a simple screen test. This scratch test is performed on your back to test for 70 different allergens. Once we see if you have an allergic reaction to any substance, we perform another series of small, under-the-skin tests to see how strong your reactions are. Testing takes place in our fully prepared medical clinic. We are prepared in case of any severe reaction.

Treatment Options

Once your testing is complete, you’ll review your test results with your doctor. There are several different treatments available, so we will discuss the best options for your situation.

Allergy treatments work by helping your body adjust to different substances. Your treatment consists of antigen, which is a form of the substance that causes allergic reactions. Depending on your unique body, you may be allergic to dust, molds, pollen, dander, or other substances.

Your antigen serum is specially designed to introduce a small amount of these allergens to your body. With every exposure, your body learns to ignore the allergy-causing substance. Eventually your body starts to tolerate these substances, so your allergic reactions decrease.

When in-office allergy shots are the best option for you, you’ll return for treatment regularly. Allergy shots include the antigen serum that helps your body adjust to your allergens. Your in-office shot visits are as quick and painless as possible, so you can get back to the rest of your schedule.

With take-home allergy drops, you can administer your own antigen serum treatment at home. This treatment method is great for busy schedules, as well as children who are uncomfortable in any medical setting. When you follow the instruction, you can rest assured that the antigen therapy is just as effective at home as in the office.

LDI Drops

Similar to allergy shots, low-dose immunotherapy (LDI) is a safe and effective treatment to improve immune “tolerance”. LDI antigens effectively treat symptoms associated with chronic infections when inflammation from the immune system persists despite a reduced infectious load. The frequency of LDI administration reduces as the strength of the dose is increased and symptoms improve for more extended periods. Symptom improvement is used to guide treatment, but ultimately LDI is working on the underlying mechanism that is causing symptoms by modulating the immune response to antigens

Are allergies impacting your life?

Get the information you need to start
feeling better with our free allergy quiz.
